Services for the Workplace

At My Kind of Thinking we work with both individuals and employers to demonstrate the workplace adjustments which an individual with a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) may benefit from. Up to 60% of these adjustments may cost next to nothing, but are likely to increase productivity and reduce stress. Simple actions such as the option to record meetings, mind-mapping software, headphones to reduce external noise and the use of email templates all help individuals to work smarter and better.

Dyslexia and other SpLDs are now recognised under the Equality Act 2010 and employers must make appropriate reasonable adjustments to reduce the impact that a disability has on a person’s ability to perform effectively in their role.


People in the workplace

How we can help

Full Diagnostic Assessment

If an employee has never had a diagnosis, this is a useful and thorough way for them to discover their strengths and identify specific areas they may struggle with.

Our assessment process is efficient, with a significant amount of information gathered before the assessment day. Each assessment takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete. We look at areas such as underlying abilitycognitive skills such as working memory and speeds of processing, along with reading, spelling and writing skills. We may also investigate other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) like dyspraxia (DCD) and ADHD, depending on the background information we collect.

As part of the assessment we want to find out how you performed in the past, what you currently enjoy and the things you struggle with. By taking a holistic approach we are able to provide a detailed report with bespoke recommendations to support you in the workplace

2 employees having a meeting

Workplace Needs Assessment

Workplace Needs Assessment is designed to identify reasonable workplace adjustments which can be implemented to support an employee with dyslexia and other SpLDs. It is a semi-formal interview often conducted after full assessment. We consider the working environment and specific concerns of both an employee and employer. From this information a series of bespoke ‘reasonable adjustments’ are made which could include access to specialist mentoring in the workplace, assistive technologies and awareness training for other employees.

Workplace Mentoring and Training

After a Workplace Needs Assessment it is possible for 1:1 on the job mentoring in the use of assistive technologies and other work skills such as time management and organisational skills.

Workplace Awareness Training

Group training for employers and employees on SpLDs and our duties under The Equality Act 2010

Group of adults in the workplace